Library of the college is divided into 8 sections/areas, namely
Circulation Section
It is located at the ground floor of the library. Here Issue/Return of books is done. The books are issued for a period of 14 days and after that, fine @ Re.1/- per document per day is charged.
Stack Area
In this section, about 27000 books are arranged in open-access shelves according to the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC).
Reference Section
Books of reference nature are kept in this section. These books are for Reference only and are not issued to the users.
Archives Section
It is located in the basement of the library. Very old books are kept in this section. The arrangement of this section is according to accession number. This is a closed access section.
Newspaper/Magazines Section
Library subscribes to 14 newspapers and 11 magazines. Readers can sit in this section and access magazines and newspapers.
Reading Section
Library has a reading section located on the first floor. Students can sit at their convenience and read the documents in these sections.
Digital Library
In this section, readers can access the internet and digital material subscribed by the library. 1 personal computer with the latest configuration is kept in the section.
Seating Area
The library is fully air-conditioned in order to make users comfortable while they are sitting in the library. Around 100 students can sit in the library.